Publications - Artists catalogues

Jorge R. Pombo. Voyage into the Essence of Painting


Jorge R. Pombo. Voyage into the Essence of Painting

Jorge R. Pombo. Voyage into the Essence of Painting Jorge R. Pombo. Voyage into the Essence of Painting Jorge R. Pombo. Voyage into the Essence of Painting Jorge R. Pombo. Voyage into the Essence of Painting Jorge R. Pombo. Voyage into the Essence of Painting

€15.00   VAT included

ISBN: 978-84-09-03430-7

This catalogue includes photographs of works from the exhibition by the artist Jorge R. Pombo entitled Voyage into the Essence of Painting, held at Can Framis Museum on 2018. Also included are texts by well-known figures in the field of contemporary art. It is a modern art catalogue celebrating the exhibition, giving us the opportunity to enjoy it again at home.

Published by: FPVC.
Year of publication: 2018.
Artist(s) featured: Jorge R. Pombo.
Texts by: Muñoz Molina, Antonio; Uberquoi, Marie-Claire.
Pages: 98.
Dimensions: 16 cm x 16 cm.
Language: Catalan with Spanish and English translations included.
Cover: paperback.

Ever since his career began in the late 1990s Jorge R. Pombo (Barcelona, ​​1973) has immersed himself in a continuous reflection on the practice of painting. In the current context, few artists have looked as deeply as he has into the creative processes of the old masters and have been able to draw from their teachings to formulate their own innovative language relating to the concerns of contemporary creation.

The purpose of the exhibition Voyage into the Essence of Painting, curated by Marie-Claire Uberquoi, is to offer a selection of his works made at different periods of his career which are based on common approaches despite being inspired by different intentions. The attentive viewer may notice that in all these works there is a common link which is his physical treatment of paint and the constant use of overlaying images or patches of colour. The result is fruit of a long process of elaboration driven by a deep knowledge of the history of painting, backed up by an analysis of the power of colours and their role in the composition of the painting.

The aim of the exhibition is to show a synthesis of the work of Jorge R. Pombo in 25 works made between 2004 and 2016 that show the richness and specificity of his pictorial language, which is based on a permanent search for what he considers to be the essence of painting.



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