Publications - Artists catalogues

Jordi Guillumet / Mònica Roselló. La vista renuncia

Jordi Guillumet / Mònica Roselló. La vista renuncia

Jordi Guillumet / Mònica Roselló. La vista renuncia Jordi Guillumet / Mònica Roselló. La vista renuncia Jordi Guillumet / Mònica Roselló. La vista renuncia Jordi Guillumet / Mònica Roselló. La vista renuncia

€15.00   VAT included

ISBN: 978-84-09-00849-0

This catalogue includes photographs of works from the exhibition by the artists Jordi Guillumet / Mònica Roselló entitled La vista renuncia, held at Museu Palau Solterra on 2018. Also included are texts by well-known figures in the field of contemporary art. It is a modern art catalogue celebrating the exhibition, giving us the opportunity to enjoy it again at home.

Published by: FPVC.
Year of publication: 2018.
Artist(s) featured: Jordi Guillumet / Mònica Roselló.
Texts by: Glòria Bosch Mir, Martí Peran Rafat, Cristina Zelich Martínez.
Pages: 95.
Dimensions: 16 cm x 16 cm.
Language: Catalan with Spanish and English translations included.
Cover: paperback.

La vista renuncia by the artists Jordi Guillumet (Barcelona, 1953) and Mònica Roselló is a project consisting of two different displays; El armario del arquitecto (1996) and Arquigrafías (2014). These are two takes on architecture which, despite being 20 years apart, create a fascinating dialogue which has architectural language as its main theme.

El armario del arquitecto is a display which highlights the relationship between an architect’s personal, day-to-day objects and creative discourse itself. Starting from formal, functional and emotional aspects, the objects an architect has around them allow them to develop an iconography which demonstrates how an artefact can be put to use as a model.

Arquigrafías, on the other hand, is a project based on the germinal presence of the object in architectural ideas and, taking certain classics of architectural photography as their reference point, the artists construct buildings by use of the evocative power of shadows.  As if emerging from fog, or seen in the twilight, architectural forms with indistinct outlines appear, reminiscent of the industrial structures that were extensively photographed by Bernd and Hilla Becher from the late 1950s onwards.




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