Publications - Artists catalogues

Dreaming a Possibility. Dialogue between the Fundació Vila Casas and DKV collections


Dreaming a Possibility. Dialogue between the Fundació Vila Casas and DKV collections

Dreaming a Possibility. Dialogue between the Fundació Vila Casas and DKV collections Dreaming a Possibility. Dialogue between the Fundació Vila Casas and DKV collections Dreaming a Possibility. Dialogue between the Fundació Vila Casas and DKV collections Dreaming a Possibility. Dialogue between the Fundació Vila Casas and DKV collections

€15.00   VAT included

ISBN: 978-84-09-03654-7

This catalogue includes photographs of works from the exhibition by several artists entitled Dreaming a Possibility. Dialogue between the Fundació Vila Casas and DKV collections, held at Espais Volart on 2018. Also included are texts by well-known figures in the field of contemporary art. It is a modern art catalogue celebrating the exhibition, giving us the opportunity to enjoy it again at home.

Published by: FPVC.
Year of publication: 2018.
Artist(s) featured: VVAA.
Texts by: Chocarro Bosom, Natàlia; Santacreu Bonjoch, Josep; Ventura Bordes, Alicia; Vila Casas, Antoni.
Pages: 107.
Dimensions: 16 cm x 16 cm.
Language: Catalan with Spanish and English translations included.
Cover: paperback.

Dreaming a Possibility is an exhibition that establishes a dialogue between artists from theFundació Vila Casas collection, defined by the gaze of the collector Antoni Vila Casas, and others from the DKV Collection, which was created with the aim of connecting art and health and contains works by contemporary Spanish artists with a special emphasis on emerging artists.

The two collections come together for the first time with the aim of establishing interactions between artists who create new aesthetic paths by unfolding and multiplying meaning.  The curators, Natàlia Chocarro and Alicia Ventura, have steered away from classifying the pieces according to chronology, artistic movement or even the supports used, and look for micro-narratives containing a hermeneutic discourse from which we may extract information about their signifiers.  



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