Publications - Artists catalogues

Premi de Fotografia 2017


Premi de Fotografia 2017

€15.00   VAT included

This catalogue includes photographs of works from the exhibition by several artists entitled 2017 Photography Prize, held at Palau Solterra Museum on 2017. Also included are texts by well-known figures in the field of contemporary art. It is a modern art catalogue celebrating the exhibition, giving us the opportunity to enjoy it again at home.

Published by: FPVC.
Year of publication: 2017.
Artist(s) featured: VVAA.
Texts by: Fundació Vila Casas.
Pages: 87.
Dimensions: 16 cm x 16 cm.
Language: Catalan.
Cover: paperback.

The Fundació Vila Casas holds an annual prize competition for painting, photography or sculpture. Each year the competition focuses on one of these three disciplines, with 2017 being the turn of photography.  A jury consisting of photographer and art critic Juan Bufill, photographer and previous prize-winner Oriol Jolonch, gallerist Fernando Peracho, collector Rafel Tous, the vice-president of the Fundació Vila Casas Antonio Sagnier, and the president Antonio Vila Casas, together with the foundation’s director of art Glòria Bosch acting as secretary, will announce the final verdict on 17 June at 7.30 pm in the Palau Solterra Museum and award the first prize.  There will be a display of the shortlisted works at the museum from 17 June to 26 November 2017.

First prize: Álvaro Sánchez Montañés - Rocket

Second prizeRafael Vargas - Diàleg dins un espai


Tete Alejandre - Leipziger
Artista zona - Repetidos al asecho
Josep Burset - Tardor a Girona
Canals Masats - Fulla de serra
Alberto Cob - Casas de arena
Maria Coma - Fragments
Jordi Comas - (Re)velat
Guillermo De Angelis - Standby
Rafel Egea - L’origen
Lluís Estopiñán - Disclosed memory D45
Diego Ferrari - Día por noche
Andrés García Mellado - Algodon de azúcar
Tamara Jacquin - Silenciar el vacío
Lagartofernández - Rodeado de tinieblas, la única alternativa es permanecer inmóvil hasta que los ojos se acostumbren a la oscuridad
David Latorre - La piel que habitamos
Llauradó - Lineas
Luumkab - Conjugando tiempos
Manelsanz - Liceu 2015
Anka Manshusen - Inspiratio
Toru Morimoto - Inland Sea
Mario Pereda - Ser, Espacio, Forma
Jorge Pérez Higuera - Sin título
Joan Pla - Finca Güell
Filippo Poli - Roças de Sao Tomé y Príncipe: un tesoro [casi] perdido
Espe Pons - El no-res il·lumina
David Pujadó - Velvet
Lluc Queralt - Clausura
Toni Ricart - Hopper
Risalde - Vida en sombras
Oriol Rosell - Living city-Capsule home
Lola Saavedra - Abrazo
Mar Serinyà Gou - Traçant al riu
Andrea Torres Balaguer - Moon ritual II
Miquel Tres - Sea Glass
Llorenç Ugas - Port del Comte



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